Friday, November 15, 2013

Grateful I know the difference between shame and guilt! I am Shameless!

I heard this on Brene Brown's Ted talk: Listening to shame.

Shame=I am a mistake. I am bad.
Guilt=I made a mistake. I did something bad.

I also like this guy's epiphany when he saw her talk.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MOOC's An amazing 21st century phenomenon!

I am so grateful that I have discovered MOOC's (Massive Open On-line Courses)! Why?
One: I can take actual Stanford, Harvard, MIT, etc. classes taught by leaders in the various fields I find interesting ;)
Two: They give me ideas for my own online teaching.
Three: I can take refresher courses with updated and current information for classes I took years ago.
Four: I can take classes I never had the time or money to take before, so I didn't worry about it at the time because although I found some things interesting, they weren't needed for the degree I was working on at the time.
Five: To be able to take college level courses for free from esteemed institutions of higher education just to expand my knowledge and understanding of the universe is so amazing!

I have enough paper, just to learn to learn without an agenda is such a freeing and exciting feeling!

So far I've been playing in the edX, Coursera, and Khan playgrounds!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Today I made a decision

I am grateful. Today I made the decision to let go of my hatred of my father. I still don't forgive him, I did that once before and I am not ready to do that again at least not yet. But, I am ready to let go of the active hate. That is progress.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Family Sundays

I am so grateful that we long ago decided that Sundays were our family days. I had to laugh at my strange family, I love them so. I wandered around the house and my youngest was in her bedroom, playing on her laptop, my oldest was in the living room playing Call of Duty on the xbox (and chatting away with people she met in pick up games aka PUGs, and my husband was in our office, playing SWTOR, helping some of his guild mates. I was logging in and checking on my online class as well as the assignments of my on campus classes. They all seem to wait until Sunday to get their work in, LOL.

Anyway, even though we were all 'doing our own thing' I felt amazingly comforted by the fact that I knew where everyone was and what they were doing, and they were all happy. That is definitely something to be grateful for.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Be Grateful Every Day

I have decided to start a blog, journal, whatever you want to call it to record something everyday that I'm grateful for. I'll be honest, I'm doing this for completely selfish reasons, to have a daily reminder in my life to be GRATEFUL. If someone else gets something out of this, cool, that's fine.

I spend a lot of time listening to other people, they are so unhappy. Some are never satisfied and always seem to find some negativity to complain about. I'm tired of hearing people bitch and moan and oh whoa is me. I want to enjoy and be grateful for my life and everything in it. Hence, starting this journal.

Today, I'm grateful to have this laptop, this internet connection, and this blogger site to be able to write down and share my thoughts with the world. How's that to start off my gratitude journal with? Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. ;)