Friday, August 16, 2013

Be Grateful Every Day

I have decided to start a blog, journal, whatever you want to call it to record something everyday that I'm grateful for. I'll be honest, I'm doing this for completely selfish reasons, to have a daily reminder in my life to be GRATEFUL. If someone else gets something out of this, cool, that's fine.

I spend a lot of time listening to other people, they are so unhappy. Some are never satisfied and always seem to find some negativity to complain about. I'm tired of hearing people bitch and moan and oh whoa is me. I want to enjoy and be grateful for my life and everything in it. Hence, starting this journal.

Today, I'm grateful to have this laptop, this internet connection, and this blogger site to be able to write down and share my thoughts with the world. How's that to start off my gratitude journal with? Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. ;)